Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Eternal City, Part 17

Menold, dwarrow of the Southtend, had a reputation for the love of brewed libation. His reputation was such that he had earned the epithet, Foamnose, among his close friends. Since their arrival at Gate Island, it had been his habit to take one hour off every day to venture into town and partake of one or two of the town’s fine beers. It was such a mission, he assured Miri, that brought him to town this day.

His real intention, of course, was to see if he could spot the Maiden, thereby finding the girl who would be with her. It was his intention to invite them to the booth. That way, the predictions of the Elders need not be compromised, and they would achieve their goal that much faster. Then, they could go home.

He made his first stop at a tavern where he recalled having a particularly fine brown beer. It was there he overheard the first of the whisperings.

“It happened right across the street from Maselin’s house,” one of the locals was saying. “Apparently, ten of ‘em tried to kill the Maiden, and her apprentice killed them, instead.”

“Bad move,” his friend said. “Ain’t never heard of nobody killin’ a Maiden.”

Menold set out almost immediately for Maselin’s house. Along the way, he heard more rumors. The number of attackers grew with the telling, until an army had marched quietly into town and the Maiden had taken down all but one of them, and her apprentice did for him.

Taking most of the talk for what it was, he knew there must be a kernel of truth to it. This could be trouble for him and his companions. He silently cursed Miri for convincing them not to pursue the girl.

Some of the rumors involved the town watch, and Menold took that part for true. So, once he reached Maselin’s house and found nothing going on, he headed for the building that housed the watch.

When he arrived, a small crowd was milling about. Mostly locals, but there were some from out of town as well. Most had come to stare at the three ghoks seated on the edge of the North-South Road, outside of the watch building. He was curious, as well, and as it seemed this was where he would find the girl, he decided to join the crowd.

1 comment:

Carey said...

More! There must be more! Also, I am sickened that my writing, which I have been slaving over for years, is so disgustingly inferior to your first freaking drafts.