Sunday, May 20, 2007


Wriggling, worm-infested gut-beasts
Screaming for sustenance
Vomiting, shitting and otherwise excreting
Demanding all of reality conform to their whim
Lost in their own howling wilderness

And then they speak
Mystifying things
Invoking the nameless horrors of the truly fucked
Bleeding a screeching whine into our heads
A cacophony of rotting psyche

Finally, we succumb, automaton-like, to the law of age
And set them free, unwanted, into the seething masses
Full of the same wantings, undeveloped and unready
So they may consume all about them
Without thought, memory or conscience

A Quote

The Immortal One was known to the Greeks as Dionysos; to the Jews as Elijah; to the Christians as Jesus. He moves on when each human host dies, and thus is never killed or caught. Hence Jesus on the cross said, "Eli, Eli, lama Sabachthani," to which some of those present correctly said, "The man is calling on Elijah." Elijah had left him and he died alone.

Philip K Dick